Thursday, February 15, 2007

close up view

sometimes, when i wake up in the morning, i kind of scare myself.

i don't think i ever thought about getting older til it happened. and i kind of understand those 90 year olds you see in the news every once in awhile who say "i still feel young inside."

it's true. i don't feel like a 44 year old, heck, sometimes i don't even feel like a grown up. carey and i joke that when we sit in meetings with actual ADULTS and business people, we still feel like children. what is funny is that many of my clients are younger than me now! not to mention my 20 something peers.

but even though it snuck up on me, i think i am dealing pretty well. i still like to "dress up cute." and i still like to feel like i look good. it's just a different kind of good, it's something that comes from the inside. it's the ability to laugh at myself and not take the surface too seriously. it's facing the fact that no amount of eye cream, no matter how much it costs, is gonna erase this proof that i have lived :)

still, i might want to avoid the mirror first thing in the morning if possible!


carey said...

You will never be old, my friend. The wrinkles drive us all crazy, but you know what? Clients respect me a lot more than they did when I didn't have any :) There's something good to be said about age, and that's that we are now FINALLY more comfortable in our own skin. No matter what our own skin looks like!

carey said...

You will never be old, my friend. The wrinkles drive us all crazy, but you know what? Clients respect me a lot more than they did when I didn't have any :) There's something good to be said about age, and that's that we are now FINALLY more comfortable in our own skin. No matter what our own skin looks like!

carey said...

not sure why all my blogs keep posting twice. sorry all...

bobbione8y said...

i like what you said enough to read it twice. thanks man :)

Susan said...

I completely agree with you. I am loving getting older, you finally are able to not care what others think. You speak your mind and like Carey said about respect, it is so true. I also feel like a kid a lot and think what am I doing with all these grownups? However, I am brought back to semi-reality when the bag boy at Byerlys calls me ma'am and I think who are you talking to?

Karen said...

I'll bet we all feel a lot more beautiful on the inside than we did in our 20s....I'll put up with the wrinkles for that.

Unknown said...

You know, there is something to be said about each wrinkle, scar or age spot we get. They sort of define who we are. I like the fact that each of my scars have a story. We could, in this day and age, with a little money, look perfect. But who would want that? How boring and plain? Recently, several people have noticed my hair and said, "Oh did you get it cut?" At first it threw me off, but now I just say, "No, it's just coming back in, isn't it cute?"

DeAnn said...

I can't even tell you how much more happier I am now than I was 15 years ago. I think we not only get to know others more as the years go by but we get to know ourselves more. And we accept who we are and don't care about what others think. It's a great feeling. I would take my wrinkles anyday too. But I have to say, I don't think any of you are old. Not a one. You're all beautiful!

Chris said...

Now here is a blog that I think we all can relate to! I have those same moments in the mirror in the morning. Sometimes I feel sad, and I so want to buy that $80 eye cream I keep hearing about, but you are right unless you get plasic surgery, which scares me, creams reaaly don't work that much. I also remember how I felt about myself in my twenties, and I would never go back to that!