Wednesday, February 28, 2007

a little late

you know you are on the back end of a trend, when they are already selling them at target.

oh. so cute though. i think i will add it to my list of heart's desires, and wait for JUST THE PERFECT ONE.


Karen said...

I personally dig being on the back-end of a trend. It's cheaper, for one thing.

Post him when you find him!

Susan said...

I cannot tell you how many gnome items I have spotted since last week. I must have been gnome blind for years. Thank you for showing me the gnome light. I think he is really cute. What are you gonna name him?

That's it we need to have a g-name the g-nome contest!

bobbione8y said...

Gnome Blind... ha ha ha ha ha.

yeah. me too. no names yet, i'm still looking on ebay before i get too attached to the target gnome. i'll put him up for the contest when he comes my way.

speaking of - why are there no girl gnomes? where do other gnomes come from? are you SURE they aren't evil?

Susan said...

I do believe I have seen a girl gnome somewhere in my life. I don't think they are evil, however this website thinks differently.