Thursday, February 22, 2007

begin at the beginning

last night i went to an introductory meeting for a new group i am going to be helping with here in SF - an introduction to the Christian faith called the Alpha Group. i wasn't really prepared to do this course, it is ten weeks long (once a week) with 3 weeks of prep work up til the course starts in mid-March.

but, God grabbed my heart on this one a couple years ago. it occurred to me when i became a christian that alot of people who had been christians for a long time, had sort of forgotten how to be regular people. i mean, when you start sitting around and talking about sanctification in your spare time, you sort of neglect a whole group of people who have no idea what you are talking about, and who Christ is most interested in!!

anyway, this course is aimed at new/un/soon to be believers. i am excited. the coordinator of this session is a doctor here in town, who started a clinic a couple of years ago for people with reduced income and resources. in addition to the medical facility,they have a counseling ministry and also a prayer ministry. a few people have been led to Christ since they opened last year, and they want to start to disciple some of those believers, as well as offer opportunity to seekers. it turns out that alot of immigrant people here in SF are going there. so, we'll meet at the clinic with the idea of finding 18 people to attend this first time around. there will be 7 of us leading the group, you guys will laugh to hear my title of "snack coordinator."

he he. actually, the meal is a main component of alpha. in the "test run" i did a couple of years ago at my church, we actually had full meals prepared each week before the class began. it is a great way to connect, chat, get to know about each other, and love upon the newbies. but, since we are a smaller group this time, we are just going to have "snacks" so my first task is to plan 10 weeks worth, and figure out how the heck i am going to prepare them every week. doh!

we are also praying for someone to step forward and take care of kids during the course, so if you know anybody ;) let me know.

ah. will be neat to see how God moves here. i was so NOT motivated when i went last night, and came away excited and in awe of His desire to pull His family together. i will keep you posted as the time goes on with His work!!!

oh, you can read about Alpha here if you like:


Karen said...

Wow. You're so...obedient. I need some of that. I am selfish with my time and have been feeling the tug lately. I need to serve. I was made to serve (not to be served, darnit), and I am wasting the "stuff" God put inside me by not being obedient to that call. I will pray for you as you begin this adventure. Will you pray that I find mine??

Karen said...

Also--I love love love doing food. Wish I was there to help! I think I'm a "hospitality" person in the way that you are an "exhorter" person...will think about some good food ideas for you.

bobbione8y said...

accchhh!!! dang Karen, i was thinking of you last night when it looked like nobody was gonna step up to be snackmaster :))

i was just saying to carey, "i have been so selfish, i just need to serve" so i guess we ARE on the same wavelength. i will pray the Lord pops up with one of His good ideas for you pronto :))

you would like Alpha, i think.

Karen said...

Snackmaster. I like that title! In Germany you would be the Imbissmeister.

Always remember: Feed them and they will come! You have a very important job, lady.

Karen said...

I saw this Toni Morrison quote this morning: "Make a difference about something other than yourselves." Don't know about her spirituality, but it's good advice for us!

carey said...

hmmm. what would happen if i take the alpha course? hockey is over. my wednesday's are this course for me???

if you have childcare, i have no excuses...

bobbione8y said...

how about if you ARE the childcare?

seriously, we would use you :))

but then again, you can be my guest too! i am the snackmeister, i want to serve you!!

call me. ;)

Unknown said...

food and God...sounds like my favorite things. I have church on Wed. nights until Easter...

Chris said...

I would definitely come if I was there.Pray for me too, to learn how to serve.