Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a recommendation

i blogged awhile ago about buying this bible. i admit i was not really crazy about it at first - simply because i like a daily bible - which this is - but it numbers the days 1-365, not by calendar day....that's going to be crazy in like day #265. i would rather it say october 19th, ya know?

so i had to get over that.

but i do have to say, i am enjoying the reading of the old testament SO MUCH. i have really loved the old testament for the last couple of years, esp. since i discovered the prophets and how much their experiences look like ours. but reading in the message has brought that even more to life. it's such an easy read. i find myself not thinking so much about each line, but reading more like a fiction story, and thinking about things at the end of a passage - this particular version asks questions - good ones - at the end of each passage.

i guess what i am encouraging, is switching your bible reading up. find a version that interests you, and look up passages in other versions when they really strike your heart. let God get the scriptures down deep into you...look for ways He is connecting the dots in your life. you can only do that if you are in the Word. not as a rote thing to do, like brushing your teeth, but ENGAGED.

the message bible is helping me do that in this season. when/if i get a chance today, i'll tell you about how God is using the story of joseph to give me comfort.

happy day!

1 comment:

Karen said...

The Wonder Hub got himself and daily bible. I've been kind of jealous because he's enjoying it so much. He feels the same as you about the OT.