Thursday, January 07, 2010


yesterday was kind of a fun work day. i know, i hardly ever talk about work projects. but i don't know, there was something neat about being snowed in, and getting to make a fun graphic for my one 'church' client.

pastor steve is a neat guy. i consider him a friend, even though i am not a member of his church. i do think that God is using him mightily. he is kind of controversial here in town, due to his passion for speaking out against abortion. he is not afraid to say what needs to be said.

anywhoo, he shot me his latest sermon idea, and asked if i would make a graphic for their website. he never gives me any kind of direction (well, sometimes he tell me what he is thinking, in this case he thought maybe a kite stuck in a tree) which is probably one reason i like working with him. this series is called Stuck, and it's about how as Christians we can get stuck in a myriad of things - sin, debt, a certain mindset, emotionally stuck, etc. and how God wants us FREE. i don't know, i just think it's so relevant to many of us!

here's to pastor steve, and snow days, and here's to getting 'unstuck' in twenty-ten!

pop quiz: how many of you have actually done the 'tongue stuck on the monkey bars' trick?! yes, i admit that i have!! very scary, only had to do it once!!


carey said...

hehe. i like it. i thought your blog was going to be about not being able to come up with an idea. definitely not the case :)

Karen said...

Oh my gosh, I love it! How DO you come up with these things? Kite, schmite.

I think, perhaps, I should listen to pastor Steve.

Unknown said...

Oh goodness...Gavin and I were JUST talking about this last night. He said, "Mom, Emma put her tongue on the fence today, it only tore a tiny bit of skin off, and it didn't beed like Fallon's did last week." Me, "Did you stick your tongue on it, too?" Gavin, "NO, I keep my tonge in my mouth, unless I have to talk to someone."

Unknown said...

ps I LOVE the photo. If you ever need another op...try the playground it seems it is a daily happening there.

bobbione8y said...

funny rani!! yes, i cannot remember WHY on earth i did it, i think i did rip my tongue a little, i still remember the feeling... :)

sigh. funny stuff.