Sunday, January 24, 2010


i had to call lou this afternoon. it went something like this....

'hey. i have a question for you. is there a reason why i cannot get off the computer now? i mean everything is just so PRETTY over here.'

she responds very calmly and matter-of-factly.

'oh. that's snow leopard. it's just really good.'

i feel like i should explain that snow leopard is an operating system. and who (except for men with computers in a room in their basement, and no real social life to speak of) even THINKS about operating systems????! well, as of this weekend, I DO. because really, seriously, if you have never been on a computer that operates using SNOW LEOPARD, you have not really lived. that is all i have to say. apple is actually kind of humble about the whole thing, calling snow leopard 'the world's most advanced OS.'

um, yeah. and the OS most likely to glue your eyeballs to a screen because you cannot look away!!!!!!! sheesh.

one other good thing, i got to look for a picture of a real snow leopard for this post, and they are not quite, but ALMOST as good.

i am excited for monday, when all this computer time is actually justified.


Karen said...

Ok, all Macs use this OS? Are all snow leopards as cute as the sassy ones in your photo?

The WH and I have been looking at Macs...

bobbione8y said...

it's the newest mac os, so anything new would have it. get an imac. end of story :))

remember susan talking about how great her is?!!

Karen said...

Yes. We're aiming for summertime. Being a one-computer household is just not working out anymore, and it seems so cool. :-)

Last night the WH was talking about moving up the timeline....he wants to get that magicJack phone thing, to save $300 a year on Vonage. I was teasing him about spending 3 grand to save 300...

bobbione8y said...

no, an imac will be much less expensive. actually - no mac costs $3500 - it's the heavy duty graphics software, etc, that brings the costs up.

cherk said...

Who knew you were such a little techie!