it's the connection part. for me, blogging does that. i wonder how long i would blog - REALLY - if none of you commented? perhaps for awhile, but i bet it would dwindle considerably. don't you think?

then there is facebook, which i am a little warmer about than in the beginning, but which is a little frightening to me. have you noticed how the "suggestions" are getting a little more detailed? look at the top guy - i KNOW we have mutual friends! i KNOW who he is! crazy! also, i was a little sad to see kirsten's hubby's status. i know him, too, he seems fine with the amount of friends he has. :)
anyway, i still see this as a series of half-a**ed conversations. i do go on there daily, and comment quite abit, even offered to mentor a guy in mpls that is needing some design friends, last night. but not real live connection for me, somehow.

and of course there is twitter. i'm not trying to pick on the "dude" in this picture - too much - i hear he is a wonderful marketing person here in sf. however, the point of twitter is supposed to be that it's 140 words. quick read. don't you think this guy abused the whole point of the medium just a TINY bit? sheesh! there were at least 25 posts in a row from him when i last checked...come on! write a blog post and stop clogging the system, dude! see. not my form of connection at all. but we do get to pick and choose.
i choose you guys :)
My entire wardrobe is the colors in the uc afghan. Does that mean I need to make a bunch of pillows?
i am wearing a peacock sweater today!!
i guess i am a bit conflicted about what to do :)
I LOVE being connected. I don't know where I would be without you girls these past few years. I don't get out much, I haven't left my house since church on Sunday, and I still get to 'see' all around the world through everyone else's posts. When life gets too busy and I don't have time to check posts or blog, I feel disconnected. I suppose I will need therapy for that one day...
Thank you! :-)
Twitter is definitely not for me, I'm proud that I don't even get it. The FB friend suggestion thing creeps me out. Who ON EARTH is in charge of that, and why do they KEEP SUGGESTING the one guy I will never, ever be friends with? It's like I'm being stalked.
Hey bob, i really liked this post. I have been feeling so opposite of you. I LOVE blogging, but settled a long time ago that it was only going to be my journal. I love when you comment, but I just have not connected with anyone else on a regular basis. it is such a treat for me when any of your friends commnet on my post. I get a little thrill :-) but my friends don't blog, comment or read. so I fell off on blogging consistantly.
Facebook has been a way that i actually have been able to chat with friends that I have not chatted with in years as well as ones i see all the time. It makes me feel connected in a way.
I know I am a hermit, but it actually in a wierd way has helped me "get out there"
Just my 2 cents.
i have noticed that kirst!! i think the important thing is to do the thing that you are comfortable with. i see you have fb friends, and that makes me happy :)
btw. lou doesn't blog you are not alone :)
karen. twitter is weird. the only people following me are porn spammers.
rani. i would not even know blogs exist without you :) you better keep blogging!
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