Monday, October 26, 2009

peace and onions

i knew it was going to be quite the weekend, when i stayed up working until 12:00 on friday night. words cannot describe how tired and anxious i was, i had about 3 days work to get ready by this morning. so, i dug in.

funny thing happened! i hermitted myself at home (yes, that is a word) - and got the 3 days of work done in about 1.5 days total. plus, i managed to sleep two 10+ hour nights, because i have been feeling fluish lately on top of things.

last night as i sat crocheting, i felt at peace. then, i remembered the onions! panic! he he. i quickly went outside to see how they were, and YES, they had not rotted yet. close call :) so, i will let them dry off and try to figure out how to store them for the winter.

not exactly what i would call an IDEAL weekend, but not bad, either.


carey said...

oh dang. i don't like to hear that you are working all weekend. and the fact that i have not heard from you yet at 9:17 am makes me wonder if you DO have the flu. or if you are just too tired. dang.

Karen said...

Hope you are well! I'm feeling like poopy over here, but really not as bad as I thought it might be. I went back to bed for an hour and that helped tremendously.