Wednesday, October 21, 2009

tastes like mom

i have an interesting experiment going on over here at the back forty. i'm cooking as many things from the bottom of the freezer as i can, as a way to clean it out. that sounds a little gross, doesn't it? but seriously. i've had a stand-alone freezer for over a year now. it's GREAT to be able to put up corn and apples and green beans and such. however, i have not eaten a great majority of the stuff i have saved!

so, i made some swiss steak on saturday, using little leftover pieces of meat, from when i grilled and had ONE TOO MANY. i used to HATE swiss steak when my mom made it. now, i like it. at least enough to eat the freezer portions i made, in 3 consecutive days! ha.

then, yesterday, it was a mini tater tot casserole. now THAT is a good memory from growing up! i actually think it was one of my favorite meals, although i used to kind of pick out the big chunks of hamburger, and give them to my dad :) oh. and my mom used carrots in her TTC. really, i've never known anybody else who does that. but let me tell ya, it's the goods.

wonder what else is down there at the bottom o' the deep freeze, waiting to be turned into tastiness?! moms, just remember that whatever you feed your kids today is going to be their memory of you when they get older ;) carry on.


carey said...


my poor kids.

Karen said...

No comment on Carey's doh.

My kids had homemade chicken noodle soup last night and will have loaded baked potatoes tonight. I'm trying to do two meatless dinners a week, so potatoes will be steamed broc and queso, although Bubba is standing here lobbying for sausage and gravy stuffed potatoes, or potatoes stuffed with french fries (huh?) and covered with queso and bacon.

I do so remember the TTC. It was a staple at Sue's table. I'm afraid I've developed their tastebuds too well, though. No one here likes it (or anything made with cream-of-anything soup).

bobbione8y said...

potatoes stuffed with french fries. there's a kid even i could love!!

:) yes. i remember (not fondly) alot of cream-of recipes. that one is one of the few i like to relive :)

Unknown said...

Potatoes stuffed with french fries (!) and bacon would be HUGE in my house!

Drew is going to grow up thinking that the stove cannot be used for the evening meal...that's what the crock pot is for (sigh).

bobbione8y said...

yes. i am a crock pot woman, too.

i can just see carey's boys someday, sitting around eating lucky charms, while reflecting what a great mom she was :)

jk. you rock, care.

Karen said...

You know I'm a sucker for Bubba, so I did put the bacon bits on the table, along with Smart Balance, low-fat sour cream and a warmed jar of some kind of spicy queso. Everyone (hub included) tried to get away without eating broccoli, but I hammered 'em all. We also ate a whole cantaloupe for good measure.

Tonight? I'm doing Chris's newly-famous crockpot chicken with the salsa, brown sugar and mustard. I think I'll add some black beans and make quesadillas.

Now I'm hungry.

Unknown said...

Hot ham and cheese with green beans for lunch here along with applesauce my sister and I hammered out (30 Quarts) on Monday.

I have the healthiest option for cream of soups. You will never go back to the canned stuff again.

Just substitute this whenever a can of cream of ? is needed:

Cream Soup Mix

2 c. dry milk
1¼ c. cornstarch OR 2½ c. flour
¼ c. chicken bouillon powder
2 T. dried onion flakes
½ t. pepper
1 t. thyme (optional)
1 t. basil (optional)

Mix all the ingredients and store in an airtight container. If the mix is made with cornstarch, add 1/3 c. mix to 1¼ c. water. If made with flour, add ½ c. mix to 1¼ c. water. This makes a concentrated casserole consistency. For soup consistency, double the water. (May need to heat on the stove to thicken).

Oh and I use the cornstarch, I don't have any reason why, I just like it better.

Unknown said...

newly famous crockpot chicken recipe? huh...share?

bobbione8y said...

30 quarts!!! you are an amazing woman of the prairie!!!!!

cherk said...

Lets see this week I have not used my stove once, and I am VERY ashamed to say that-3 over 12 hour days at work limits my motivation or ability to be home to cook anything