Friday, October 09, 2009

souper day

phwew. friday, and i am pooped. there is a small break in the calendar, and i should be using it to catch up for next week, which looks to be semi-brutal. instead, i am rummaging thru the basement looking for soup.

ever since karen posted the recipe for 15-bean soup, i've been jonesing. thing is, about 3 or 4 years ago, i made home-made interpretations of that recipe (only 6 or 7 beans though) and gave it out for xmas to friends. i overshot the # i'd need, and still have a dozen jars in the basement. notice the nice layer of dust on the jar, to prove my point :)

wonder if beans ever expire?
i'll find out today, because this jar is getting thrown in the crockpot. later on, i'll add the diced chicken with onions and green chilies that were in the crockpot YESTERDAY.

ps. projects like this are why when the bird or swine flu pandemic hits, you need to come to my house. we'll make soup.


Karen said...

Mmmmmmm. Green chilis and chicken with the beans. Why didn't I think of that?

bobbione8y said...

yeah. i actually have made this before and it's great. not quite the same as hamhocks, but really good :)

Karen said...

I'll bet it kicks the poopie out of hamhocks. :-) What are your other seasonings?

bobbione8y said...

i cannot remember. they were in a little plastic bag tucked in the jar, and a little scary looking. but they smelled good still :) i will see if i can find the recipe...

K~ said...

Hey bob, i wish we could have soup today. This week i have been bringing in my favorite plants from the cold. Needed to bring in the clams and fish too. K~

Anonymous said...

Great gift idea. I am trying the 15 bean soup this weekend too.

But if I was over for soup, I would REALLY want you to show me how you made that blanket. :)

Anonymous said...

hey, know the difference between bird flu and swine flu?

you need tweetment for bird flu and oinkment for swine flu.

that's your dumb joke for the day. hope you enjoy your soup! :)

Unknown said...

we could also eat suckers...

suckers and soup a two year old's dream dinner.