Tuesday, February 23, 2010

my downfall was cereal

after 22 days of eating pretty well, and cutting waaaaay down on sugar, i fell down in a big way. on yeah, a box of cereal. not a whole box, but almost...yesterday was not a good day.

i bought it without really looking at the label, because it's called SMART START.

figured that might mean it's good for you. but really, it's more like eating cookies. lots and lots of cookies.

won't be doing that again.


Karen said...

Cookies with fiber at least?

I'm pmsing like mad over here...ate a McChicken and fries and followed it up with a Snickers. Right now I'm thinking about taking a spoon to the peanut butter jar.

We all fall down, eh?

cherk said...

I was just going to say if you were going to have a downfall, cereal would be one of the better ones. Or you could have a McChicken AND a snickers like someone I know:) My downfall was a taco bravo-on second thought I shouldn't throw stones

Karen said...

Mmmmmmm...Taco Bravo.

Rachel Knoblich said...

Hey...I love that cereal...I knew it tasted to good to be good for you! LOL