Tuesday, February 02, 2010

36.64 grams

that's how much fat i consumed yesterday! holy macaroni! i did not expect that. it would have been 42+ grams, except that i dumped the idea to eat a smart pop 100 calorie bag of popcorn, and ate a pear instead.

see, that is why i need this kind of program. i am all about total calories, and i know that nutritionally, i survive on crap. um, but for the record, let's say i probably normally eat about DOUBLE what i'm trying to exist on now. i am just thinking that if i keep eating great food, that is good for you, it will leave me feeling not only better, but more satisfied.

i have a ways to go. i am not a big protein fan, although i actually ate SALMON for dinner last night. i think i need to get protein up into the 20-25% range to be healthy. i don't know. i am slightly addicted to entering my food items. yesterday, i ate a smart ones lunch, 3 breton wheat crackers with a laughing cow cheese, and a dannon light fit yogurt. ALL in the system, thank you very much!! it's quite satisfying. not sure about restaurant food, but i rarely eat out....

day 2 and running! no, i take that back. have not started the yucky exercise portion quite yet...one day at a time, Lord that is all i ask :)


Unknown said...

okay B, have you heard of sparkpeople.com? I joined ages ago, but your recent posts have rejuvinated my enthusiasm and I updated my page. It is a fantastic resource and I am really going to use it for excersice because Nicole Nichols has her 10 minute cardio workouts on youtube which is so much better than buying a stupid tape. I just did her VIDEO: Day 1 New YOU Bootcamp Workouthttp://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=1251 and I am outta breath. But I wanted to tell you that you got me moving again. Let's hope this time it sticks...my previous pastors wife lost 50lbs with the help of spark people and she is in her 60's I am SO motivated by that...happy Tuesday. I hope I remember to do day 2 tomorrow.

bobbione8y said...

good for you rani! go girl! yes, a friend from high school (now at church) has lost 35 pounds. seeing how happy she is, is motivating me :)

bobbione8y said...

oh ps. i realized i did not eat too much fat :)

i am trying for a goal of 50% carbs, 30-35% fat, and 15-20% protein as the usda recommends. the idea is just to eat a balanced diet. nothing whacky.

carey said...

peanut butter has protein. does that count?