another of my fascinating "i'm a late bloomer" moments has been unleashed this summer. oh, slurpee, where have you BEEN all my life? i think it might be that i've been single for most of my 45 years. single girls don't really do slurpees, unless they are 13. but boy oh boy, does MY boy love em. and he has me hooked. i like to make a custom "mix" when i go to the local Kum and Go (yeah. it's called that). last night it was blue raspberry and cherry bomb. like a big glass of slushy bomb pops all mixed together! yyyyuuuummmm-ooooooohhhh.
just for kicks, i looked up the calories. not really sure, but it looks like a couple hundred calories for a regular sized one. a good thing is that usually by about 75% through, you run into the kind of sugar overload where your cheeks turn pink and you think your head is going to explode, and you leave the rest alone. that brings the calorie count down...i should be a weight watchers spokesperson with THAT kind of magic tip.
anyway. hot days and slurpees. that's what i like.
chuck and i are pretty sure they sneak a little heroin into those things. they're addicting! ;)
ha ha ha.
i will tell that to phillip, it will make him laugh :)
our sidebar is that if you get a little packet of sunflower seeds as a chaser, you will think you have entered Heaven :)
Don't like the slurpee, but I do like to look at them. They are so pretty, swirling around and around. The colors are so enticing too. I agree on the sugar rush!!! Zowy! That will get to you. I am so happy you have found joy in such a simple yet elegant treat! Slurp away my friend. Oh by the way, calories are not to be counted with things like slurpees.....
Ok, the sunflower seeds and slurpee combo is a bit hill billy. That is coming from a comfirmed true blue hill billy!!!
yeah i know. we are classy peeps. you should see us heading for the kum and go (!) with our flip flops and tshirts on, and filling up on slurpees!!!
he he.
Oh my that sounds precious. Too much Bob! Of course now you add flip flops and tee shirts. It just keeps getting richer. And really..... The Kum and go???? I saw that when I was there and just had to chuckle. K~
i think rick would call it a FFGS....don't you?!
Our weakness is the M&M mcFlurry @ McD's. :o)
once you start, it's too hard to stop!
happy slurping!
That is too funny Bob! He totally would!! By the way, we were by one of those on our Gull Lake trip, and I think I overheard him saying something like "well I'm not going to that one" What is that???
Also, I can't help but remember the line from one of my favorite movies "Trains, Planes and Automobiles" John Candy is trying to get something for Steve Martin to eat. He is just offering stuff to him. At one point he says "A Slurpee, A hotdog, A Beer?" I guess you have to see it, but it does remind me of that line every time I hear Slurpee!
You are a complex woman.
Next time you see the Monkey (when you visit us) offer him a Slurpee and you'll have a totally devoted friend for life.
Seriously, Kum & Go?!! They had to know what they were doing when they named it that, right? Yikes!
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