Tuesday, June 03, 2008

after the rain

i awoke last night to the thundering, pelting, crashing sound of rain. a hard rain. when i got up at 4:30am with insomnia, it was peaceful, and the sun came creeping out this morning to bright green and quiet.

a walk around the yard quickly revealed the evidence of the night before...

...from just gently tipping over...

...to the result of unfortunate placement
underneath the gutter...

...to discovery of the harsh reality of the land,
after being born in a greenhouse...

...to almost, but not quite, falling completely over...

...to transformation from photoworthy yesterday,
to downtrodden today...

man, it's kind of tough, this being a farmer. i try to think of the highs, the beauty of the rain, the freshness of the air, the warm sun, the stuff that all these little ones need to make it in this world. but i can never quite get used to what WAS, not being anymore. most of these guys will stand back up, perhaps always a bit crooked but still standing, and continue to grow. some of them will not. as for me, i'll just walk around and gently prop up, and pull back and reach out for, and mourn for a little too. 'cause i guess that's what being a farmer is all about.


Karen said...

Good grief. I'm so sorry the fruit of your labor is wounded.

You know, though, it wouldn't take too much brain power to come up with a God analogy here. Like.....we are God's creation, his handiwork, but we go and mess ourselves up all the time. We go from gently tipping over, to the results of unfortunate placement, to the harsh reality of the land, to almost, but not quite, falling completely over, to downright downtrodden. Most often by our own choices.

bobbione8y said...

sheesh. you should write a book or something ;)

yeah. i guess what you are saying is that sometimes it's kind of hard on God being a farmer, too, huh?

it hurts to see the stuff you grew hurting...

Karen said...

It hurt to see the stuff YOU grew hurting..which (I think) is what led me down the God-path. He must be very very big to hold all that hurt, both His and ours.

bobbione8y said...

yes. i got what you were saying...:)

you are right. He is. and i am grateful for it.

thanks for the insight, dear.

Karen said...

I knew you got it--that was just my brain, still working through the details. I think I'm going to meditate on that today, about how big God is, and what that means for us.

Happy Whatever Day It Is!