yesterday was what i would call a "full" day.
here's how it went:
set alarm for 6 am so that i could get some projects done before traveling out of town. awoke at THREE am, got up, worked crazily til 8 am to get said projects * due today * done before i went out of town.
traveled 1.5 hours to small town SD for a meeting only to discover i was supposed to be there TODAY, not yesterday. thankfully, they rearranged their schedule for me! met with 3 incredibly cool and brilliant people (one of them said that we are now in the beginning stages of dating, probably why i still think they are cool and brilliant!) and among other things, discussed the correlation between spiritual growth and their business. which has nothing to do with spiritual growth on the facade. gotta love it!
drove back to SF via more small towns i had not been thru in years. brought back some old memories. oh! and i saw what looked to be a black lab in the distance, on an ice chunk in the middle of a pond. nope, as i got closer it was a BALD EAGLE. whoa. cool.
got back to town just in time for a meeting in which i thought the client had revisions on a project for me, and she though i had them for her. seems there was a lost email that bungled up that one. sometimes, meeting in person is better.
quickly finished up snacks (not brilliant, but sufficient) for 1st alpha course. of the 8 that signed up, 3 were in attendance. not to be daunted, we prayed beforehand for the Lord to run the show. which He did...i thoroughly and completely got into the conversations. it dawned on me about 30 minutes into this thing that i was going to LOVE these people for real. i want them to have a relationship with Jesus. and i think they want it too.
anyway, we finished up about 8:30, and i came home to collapse on the couch. funny thing, but BEFORE that point i had not been tired at all!!!!!!! i believe that SOMEONE was giving me unusual energy to carry out the tasks before me...ahhhhhh. gotta remember that THIS is living!
THAT sounds like a wonderful, wonderful day. I love your description of the Lab/Eagle. Great mental picture. You live in an amazing part of the world, and I'm just a tiny bit jealous.
Ok, I just re-read that. Any day that begins at three a.m. is highly questionable. Better you than me, sister. I wake up (at 6:30) much like Kirsten's kids. I imagine 3:00 would be really truly ugly.
yes, i really honestly believe i was running on "Jesus Juice" because i could not BELIEVE i was not too tired!!!"
wow. i wish i was plugged in more often.
I know exactly, precisely what you are talking about. Why do the God Days have to end??
What a glorious day...except for the 3 a.m. part! You have more energy than I have had lately. I need some of that Jesus juice! I am sorry to have read about Beener...I know he's up there with our old chocolate lab...maybe they are romping about, just playing. I am way behind on blogs so catching up tonight. Thanks for your words...
We saw some Bald Eagles near Scotland, SD the other day. It was amazing. I had to pinch myself and then silently curse cuz I didn't have the camera...
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