Wednesday, March 21, 2007


what could i have been thinking of? now i have 80 stringy little signs of life that need my attention (and sun and warmth) every single day! aaaaaaaarrrgggh.

so much funner (yes, that is a word) to just go to greenhouses in the spring and buy the "good to go" plants...



Unknown said...

LIFE! It surprises me every time. How can a little seed grow into that? What a miracle it really is?!?!

bobbione8y said...

yes. i have noticed how eager these little guys are to live, to soak up every bit of goodness that they can ;)

every day they bend way over to the light, and drink it in.

oh, to be able to remember to do that :)) life is good.

Karen said...

I love it! This is so good for you, and I really think it's a sweet and gentle nudge from the Creator of life.