apparently, blogging is like exercise. miss a few days, and you never remember to do it again :)
let's see, i'll give the quickie update on the last few days, via what is on my digital camera...
the weekend was great, relaxing and sort of rainy. siesta now tries to "escape" whenever she can, then kind of freaks out....as do i. i think she'll be an indoor kitty, if i can help it.
had lots of meetings earlier in the week. sad to find myself a fat girl again. that's an identity i was hoping to leave behind, but it snuck up on me. pray for me that God will show me a source of comfort that doesn't have calories, okay? ps - dress pictured is the one i bought for a meeting, only to chicken out and wear something brown.
today, i got been back in a baggie. i was dreading going in to get him, but strangely i am comforted by having him. i am not sure i want to spread him anywhere!!!! remember those sand paintings we used to make in grade school? layers of colored sand (or was it salt) in a jar? how weird would it be to have one with a cat in it, literally?
siesta looks michevious.
i just returned from a visit with the oncologist and he ever so gently (not really) reminded me that my metabolism has slowed WAY down and if i continue to gain weight, it will be extremely difficult to lose it. oh how i wish i could be one of those women who was perfectly content with her shape no matter what size the jeans say, but i am not, it hurts that I am larger than I have ever been before, and I am going to have to try really hard to make good choices about what to put in my body (ie. no more biscotti). you are a beautiful person and i think you are perfect just the way you are, but i understand completely about comfort foods. i will pray for you if you return the favor for me.
i think any way you choose to remember your beloved been by is the right way, you are an artist and if you want to make something beautiful to honor him then go ahead and do it. it would be a see thru urn, right? I remember looking at the ashes of my father and my grandmother and being really curious about all the colors in them, is that weird?
three things.
fiesta is going to LOVE being your garden buddy this summer. look out anything that moves...
i've seen bobbi in every shape and size and you know what? i love her in every one of them.
i see now reason why you shouldn't keep been around. he deserves something much better than a plastic baggy, and i have no doubt you'll find it.
love ya.
I LOVE reading your blogs...they just make me feel good. I think it is so neat to be able to have Been around all the time...I honestly really stared at the plastic bag picture as I have never seen anything so beautiful before. Been was so lucky to have you...
I LOVE the colors of the dress you did/didn't wear. No matter what size, you are a beautiful person. Always remember that...
Good to have you back. ALL of you. :-)
I love that you are comforted by Been's presence. Take your time in making that decision. So glad that you get to.
Um, and nice boob shot. I couldn't help thinking that you could hold your own with the man-child waxer...
thanks for the comments, friends!
this morning, i am praying for God to be my biscotti :)
i love that you guys accept me and don't care that i am wearing fat pants ;))
Hi Bob, I have missed you!!
Siesta is going to give you a run for your money!!
That is an ADORABLE (non cotton) Dress. WEAR IT!! You do look good in brown, however!
OH LITTLE BEEN!! Did they put the bag in a box? I think that anyway you need to remember Been is totally ok. Having him in a fancy or plain jar would be just fine!
There, that's my opinion.
Oh Yeah Bob, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! I only ever wonder what color hair you will have, not what size pants you are wearing (only if they are non cotton :-)) K~
this was an especially fun post to read and the comments were equally as fun!
i miss you a ton B, and think you're incredibly beautiful just the way you are. almost as beautiful as the things you design everyday!
i hope to come to visit very soon,see siesta again AND sit in the BackForty with some iced coffee.
happy spring to all the bloggers.
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