yesterday my fellow blogger K. poured her heart out concerning adoption on her blog. strangely enough, i too have been in "kid" mode for awhile. for me it probably started with the mentoring program that i began before christmas, seeing j. every week makes my heart think about having a child of my "own"...
and then, one of the blogs i read regularly linked to the above story, about christian couples choosing not to have kids...the blogger suggested the story was absurd, and non-biblical (based on the fact that many couples cannot have children due to medical or financial issues, and that Paul himself said that marriage wasn't all that important in 1 Cor 7).
i guess i'm wondering what others think about this subject. i'm not sure what my own future holds concerning kids. it will probably be about a year and a half before i get married, and by then i'll be in my late 40s. i guess i have just decided that the Lord knows about whether or not i'm supposed to "have" kids, so i am leaving it to Him. i DO know i don't want it to be because of my own selfish plans and desires that i miss out on raising a child. but i also think there are other ways to "parent" children (and sometimes adults) than actually raising them in your own home.
for instance, a good friend of mine just got married last summer, for the first time, at age 50+. she and her husband love the Lord, but naturally they felt it might not be meant for them to have kids of their own. it's now less than a year later, and they have been blessed with "adopting" a woman from Africa and HER kids, who have been brought into their lives. my friend told me the other day "THIS is my daughter, i know that for sure."
so i kind of think that article is onto something, it's just that it might be kind of limiting in describing how to GET those kids that our hearts long for!
Bless your heart Bobbi. I think you are such a giving and compassionate person. I of course, have my personal feeling about raising kids. Having 3 of my own. I think that God does have specific plans for people. I also think, God does not look at a person as a 40 year old or a 50 year old, etc. I think that God looks at each of us for who we are and how we can spread his love, and message to as many people as possible. I think the adopting the woman and her child from Africa was such a touching idea and so special. I think that there is a place for foster care. A place to provide a safe haven for children. I think that older children and teens are often over looked. Even 15-18 year olds. These kids are looking at NEVER haveing the opportunity to call someone mom or dad. I also think that Boy and Girls clubs like Big Brothers and Big Sisters is a extremely needed and wonderful program. I could go on. I think that adopting can look very different to many different people. I is important for each of us to feel needed and have a place of belonging. K~
:) yes, yes, yes.
i do think that we are called to love kids don't you? i mean, i can go on too...i think of lk out in seattle, paying attention and caring for those teens that she sees in her clinic, don't you think that is "parenting" too?
it's more than just having them or adopting, i know that...it's loving them however they touch your life!
love you!
It is so hard not to scoop up all the kids I see on the "Thursday's child" segment we have on one of our local news stations. They are almost always 10 or older. Some have special needs, but most are just such normal kids that want to have a family of their own. When I talked about the kids that are 15 and up, I got that from this segment. There was a 16 or 17 year old boy looking to be adopted. They talked about how he wants a family of his own, before he's out on his own. It just touched my heart and I have never forgotten that. I always think, We could take in just one more person, couldn't we? K~
buddy, this is something for you and phil to pray about together. i have a feeling you will maybe be adopting, but in ways you never imagined.
in the meantime, feel free to come teach my kids some arts and crafts skills ANYTIME :)
he he he.
i have crazy scissors and lotsa colored paper, we could make valentines ANY TIME.
Aaaaggg. I've been trying all day, but I can't write about this. I just can't, but know that my heart is with you.
I read your blog earlier today and thought what is a single girl to do? Then when I checked my mail after work today...there in my mailbox was my first letter from my Compassion child. She drew me a picture. Oh, an artist! I am so excited!!! It is so cool to receive a letter from someone half way around the world. She told me that she lives in a home with her mom, dad and siblings and her house has a road in front of it. See we kind of are adopting children who need our help :)
I often wish God's plan could be revealed to me. I know He knows what comes next, but I don't... I think whatever He has in store for you, it will be very special. You are an amazing witness for Him. I feel super lucky to have met you and can't wait to see what He has in store for you. Bless you, friend!
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