Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday morning

Well, this morning was another great pre-fall day. Still no photos, blogger has quit working with me on that. i'm on the hunt for a new blog spot, not sure why but i am tired of trying to upload photos and having to reboot my entire computer! I will not be defeated :))

The most interesting thing that has happened so far today would not have a photo attached anyway, i did not have my camera handy. Been and i decided to go outside for our morning ritual, then i remembered that i forgot to bring my coffee along. when i came back outside, there was a standoff in the alley, two tomcats face to face. First was a young orange cat, not the same one that is usually around, but a really pretty boy. He was shaped in the traditional "halloween pose" of a large upside down "U" and looking at Been like he was Osama Bin Laden.

Then there was Beener. He was shaped in a "u" also, kind of like the old horses you see in cartoons, whose backs have given out to a permanent sway. His ears were kind of perky and he was looking at the other cat like "hmmmm, what are you staring at me for?"

he he. Been never ever did have an aggressive bone in his body. Luckily, i was just able to walk up to them, pick up Been and end the whole deal as quickly as it began. Schwew.

I also got to witness the pilgrammage of lots and lots of kids to school, with one day under their belt. Hawthorne Elementary is just down the street from my house. I just hope and pray that all of those little kids have parents at home whose hearts are already missing them, and are having a hard time letting them go, just like my friend in Montrose....

happy day.


K~ said...

My Blog has not been wanting to upload photos either. I just got mine done last night. I tried yesterday AM and couldn't. K~

SDGuy91 said...

As the neighborhood "IT Guy" of this blog I feel like I should have some suggestions. But alas, I have nothing to offer, sorry. Not even my typical dig on Macs will work as k~ (I'm assuming) is not using a Mac.

I have to say, the "u-shaped" descriptions you used for Been and the other cat were absolutely priceless, B!

I love reading your blog...it always provides a bright spot in my day!

bobbione8y said...

ha. yeah, that whole "u" shaped thing, the two cats about a lifetime apart in age, was worth alot, i don't think a bad photo could have given it justice.

man, i love old Beener so much :))