Saturday, August 19, 2006

Thoroughly modern technology

i love "modern" technology. not sure why, but i bought this little gizmo on a garage sale last summer, somehow i guess i just knew it might come in handy. it kind of reminded me of my gramma, that too.

then, this morning, with too many tomatoes to count on hand, i needed a plan of attack! as you can see from the photo, it's kind of a messy process. you cut up and cook the tomatoes, leaving the skin and seeds and everything in the pot...then, you just pour the cooked "goop" into the fancy gizmo, and roll the triangle shaped rolling pin around, til you force all the juice and pulp from the tomatoes into the container underneath. the seeds and the skin stay - whalla - in the gizmo!!

you know, whoever invented this was totally ahead of their time. i cannot imagine anything working better than this, and it was really pretty easy to use, even without an instruction manual...

The results? 5 quarts of perfectly smooth tomato juice :))

1 comment:

K~ said...

Cool! K~