So i woke up today feeling "new"!! i love new beginnings, as i think we all do because we were created for them. thankfully in Christ, new beginnings aren't limited to once a year!!
i stepped outside to a perfect january day (photo attached is the birdbath outside my front door) – with fresh clean snow, and a still peaceful calm. i think i may just go out and take a walk after lunch. but for now, there is soup on the stove, and laundry being washed, and a new book waiting on the coffee table. there is hope for a wonderful new year, and the grace and strength to make it thru the "not so wonderful" stuff that is surely to come.
and there is the Lord. i went looking for Him this morning, and found Colossians 3, with great words for a first day! have a happy one :)
Colossians 3
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
I like this one...Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! It's from II Cor. 5:17
well miss B, our little cat sam I am has kept us up for the last 2 or 3 nights howling at the stray ladies out the patio door, tonite he sprinted out the door when my dear hubby was taking out the trash and we havn't heard from him since...btw his appointment to make him not so horny is tomorrow, go figure?!?!?! just thought you might sympathize with us considering the fact that he might be fathering the next generation of strays in town...how's miss S?
Mmmmmmmm. I will savor that one.
oh NO!!!!!!!
siesta did not sleep AT ALL last night (nor did i) but she is still here, probably yowling at sampson if he could travel that far...
:) go figure is right, but our cats would probably hit it off, too.
Well, Sampson showed up an hour and a half late for his appointment, he was hungry and tired and I think he may have needed a cigarette, I called the vet and apologized for his promiscuity and we dropped him off 10 minutes later, not before he gouged my daughter's cheek, though. So I made sure they would declaw him, too. It should also keep him closer to home, I would think considering he won't be able to defend himself anymore...hope the next few days get calmer with S.
ahhh... those are cozy words. :o)
thank you!
Happy New Year Bobbi!
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