i'm starting to think i'm pretty cool. late last year, a fellow freelancer told me about this cool software that "tracks" your time spent on a project and even makes invoices! you have to understand that this january marks the 5th year of my "stay at home" business, and i still do all of my bookwork "by hand"...meaning, it's not real organized. sure, i have a big ole folder that i throw stuff in, and even a rough system for sending out invoices...but nothing too consistent - generally when the cupboard is bare, i send somebody an invoice! it's crazy, but it has worked.
until today. today i decided to change all of that! i had to go backwards and redo a few invoices i already had going from 2007, but from now on, i am tracking away my day on this software program that cost 24.99. i like how the invoices are clean and simple and use a good type font.
you other girls who freelance and want this software too, just email me for the goods :)) it's fun to play with, if nothing else.
betcha anything that "blogging" racks up more hours per day than most of my client work, tho!
there's a software for that?!? I'm all about the hand-made non-organizational system too. Guess it wouldn't hurt to play!! :o)
I like. I bet I could use it when I sell stuff on eBay.
oh yes!
you can download a trial for free at
Thanks for the tip, B!
Also - diggin' the snazzy new oneeighty logo you have on the invoice.
Looks great, I could use this. Oh wait, I can't....it's only for Mac.
Maybe I should think of switching....
Maybe not.
hey sdguy, i need to remember that ONE boy reads this blog, don't i ????
Yup, every day. It is the highlight of my day most days.
I love your rantings :-)
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