Thursday, July 09, 2009

jumping on the wagon

i've been meaning to tell you about how i am finally getting with it. getting rid of plastic shopping bags, i am!! i tell ya, it's taken awhile, as i have resisted the urge to be "trendy" about being environmentally responsible. i'm also cheap. (to be clear, i don't go around freely throwing away plastic, either. i save those bags until there are mounds and mounds of them in my house, then i drop them off at the salvation army, who uses them in their thrift store).

these bags were 99 cents at the grocery store this week. i kind of like them! even though they are made from that weird handi-wipe fabric that i hate. i do think i look kind of trendy when i carry them. might need to buy some outfits to match, you know, to really show how green i am :)

ha. i hope i remember to use them. i bought 5, and i really think that is the most groceries i will possibly ever buy at one time. i could be wrong, but i think that. on second thought, i should probably pick up a couple more, as i do like to eat.

minnesota will no longer shun me, of this i am pretty sure.


carey said...

now you just need to buy a little basket for your bike when you take these to the organic section of the grocery store ;)

bobbione8y said...

think how many the j family will need of these - 10? 20?


cherk said...

ha ha, way to go, now just don't forget them in the car like I do about 80% of the time when I go

K~ said...

Yeah, i can finally invite you back :-)!! K~