okey dokey. midday procrastination is a funny thing. i got to thinking about what kind of "hip" phrases i'll be overusing in 2009! what fun!
here's what i'm thinking my top 5 will be:
1) that's how i roll. very flexible. i have tried it out a few times, and i like it so far.
2) getting my "blank" on. again, flexible and fun ... "i was getting my craft on again this weekend" will probably be the most common usage.
3) very.short.sentences. invented by karen. wildly popular in latter 2008.
4) i'm down with that. will replace "cool beans" which is so 2005.
5) next level. invented by kristie lou, and fully market tested by paulsen marketing. useful whenever you think you are onto something completely brilliant.
and while i'm at it, i suppose i need to relinquish some of my old faves to the trash, lest anyone think i'm old. here's what has to go:
1) bummer. it will cause me pain not to say this anymore. it'll just be a bum....oh nevermind.
2) my bad. i am going to try to just say "i'm sorry" more. that is ALWAYS in.
3) dude. i will miss you.
of course, i had to do some "research" on this topic, and i came across what will surely be a flaming popular phrase for everyone this year:
"i'm fine like kevin kline in 2009"
what are YOU going to be down with saying?
hey bobbi,
in your research for 2009 phrases...
its come to my attention one that might be missing from your list.
"tensy tinsy"
courtesy of lou! i hear this on almost a daily basis these days...
love it.
If you are wondering what the definition for tensy tinsy is...here it is ;)
meaning super small or so tiny that tiny does not describe it well enough.
there is no way i'm giving up dude. ever.
but. i will try to give up
Shut. Up! when something surprises me, since that word counts as a cuss word at our house.
i will give up "cool" and "awesome" unless they are back in again?
and i heard someone say "you're the man" to the president of a really big corporation today. it made me wince, so that one is out.
i will try, really try, to stop saying anything "rocks."
however i will still be "all over it" and I will not give up "lame"
that's all i can think of, dude.
lou. i think i need to hear that one in action before i can fully understand. thanks for being such a trendsetter, tho!
dude. i might not be able to go cold turkey on that one.
Dude is timeless. I need to keep that one.
I use "that's how I roll" all the time. Funny, "that's how I roll" to me, means sitting on my a**.
I use "People" all the time. I confuse the real people at work when I refer to the animals as people. I guess that's how I roll :-) K~
YOU are hilarious! I haven't given this a bit of thought, but I can tell you right now that I will hold onto Dude forever. Or for at least as long as it gets my kids' attention.
Also, if I had known that you said "my bad," it would have seriously crimped our friendship. It's such a grammatical disaster that it is absolutely not allowed at my house. So glad you've let it go.
he he.
dude, "my bad" is a classic! what a bummer to leave it behind ;)
nice reply bob. K~
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