the boy responded to request for hootie concert quite nicely. he likes his voice, his new song on the radio, and even partially his hootie past. i'll let you know how the choice to attend the concert affects our romantic holiday - we got tickets!!
the boy responded to request for hootie concert quite nicely. he likes his voice, his new song on the radio, and even partially his hootie past. i'll let you know how the choice to attend the concert affects our romantic holiday - we got tickets!!

i just saw that darius rucker (former "hootie") is going to be here in SF on ... valentine's day.
not only do i think my honey would not like him much, i'm not sure that seeing one of my favorite favorite favorite cute singer men on valentine's day would exactly make me concentrate on phillip. i could be wrong.
That, my dear, in a dilemma. I (for once in my life) have no advice to give. Let me know how it turns out.
go?? K~
Phil is no dumby, right? He's gotta know that after you and he see a concert like that you will be all lovey dovey with him. Sheesh, it's a no brainer. Do you like his country sound he has going on right now?
You're right. Conundrum is a lovely word. It rolls off the tongue so nicely. I do think that Chris has your answer, though. Conundrum solved!
Valentine's Day has never been a stellar holiday at my house. I'll keep you posted, but I'm not counting on much. Oh, I take that back. In Germany a dude showed up at my door with flowers and sang to me..and there was the teddy bear with flowers at the door while the hub was in Iraq..
Guess I need to let go of that one year he came home late and handed me a rented dvd and a bag of Twizzlers, eh?
i only have one thing to say to this: chicken pot scrubber.
i need me one of those too :)
The chicken pot scrubber wins, hands down. Now I (almost) feel bad for throwing the Twizzlers at him, slamming out of the house and spending VDay at the gym.
The question for us Carey, is "What would Dave Ramsey do?" Pretty sure his wife gets a gift, even if he has to save all year to get it.
V day for me, will be spent driving back from Wisconsin Dells with 3 loud kids and one unaffectionate husband. Dumped off and then he goes to work. yeah! K~
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