hey, look at my new blog banner, isn't it pretty?! it's my sedum plant that is RIGHT NEXT to the front step. which is as far as i've ventured out lately. it is CHILLY out there. to put it nicely.
i also took this pretty snow pic as i swiveled around, before i ran back in the house. i am a snow bunny, i tell ya!
So pretty. We're at 22 above, but it's brown and ugly and I really wish someone would come offer to take Molly out.
apparently aberdeen hit -42 last night, sans wind chill.
i wonder how all the cars up there feel about starting?!
pretty bad when a warmer climate is ALASKA.
I keep thinking of that Day After Tomorrow movie...
11 today when I took Moose to school. -5 with the windchill.
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