little people, big world, that is.
i especially love zach, the teen boy in the show, who despite being a little person is pretty much just an average 15 year old. they always show him looking pensive (who ever SAYS that, but it fits here), which of course is probably all just editing, but it makes me like him. and i also like his mom Amy, who is pretty much NOT like a tv mom, but more like my own mom. i get the feeling she doesn't change it up much, tv show or no. and for some reason, i am not left with the measure of guilt that i feel when i watch LA Ink.
anyway, tonite is the big debut of the new season on tlc.
yesterday, because it was cold and rainy and sunday and i didn't feel so hot, i spent much of the afternoon and evening on the couch watching a marathon of the show.
too bad i have my bible study tonite. withdrawal is gonna be tough.
happy Monday all!
Hey Bob, I have enjoyed that show too. I have had to withdraw from some show too. I don't seem to fit it in. We like Survivorman. We watch this as a family. Oh not Rick, he is "working his magic" in the basement. K~
what is up with that photo of joesy wales on your website. you are aware of the fact that it IS a photo of rick, right?
ha. funny. all the boys you like seem to look like him :)
glad you like lpbw too ;)
Yeah, I wondered about LA Ink...
I think I'm done with Grey's for the same reason.
Haven't seen this show, but my mommy likes it. We dig Survivorman, Kirst.
Too bad about that bibles study. :-)
er, BIBLE study.
Kind of true. I LOVE Clint Eastwood (in the 70"s) SO SO handsome. I tried to show the kids him in a movie once. And he killed about 7 people before they could get a good look at him, so, I told them I would just look one up on the internet instead.
Yes we really like Survivorman, but he does kill a turtle in one episode!! Not good.
Doesn't he EAT the turtle?? I had to walk away from that one.
My, we're all working hard today, aren't we?
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