Wednesday, September 05, 2007

one more thing

as if i don't have enough going on in my head, rani plopped this idea into it, and it won't go away.

so, i guess i'll add "old books" to my list of things to look for while junking. i can just see a couple of you voracious readers wanting to try this crafty project also!


Susan said...

OOOOHHHHHH. My precious. I want a Pride and Prejudice book!!!! I should make one for Shel for Xmas too!

If you do this, maybe we should have a weekend getaway to make book purses and other things...

bobbione8y said...

yeah, susan, i KNEW you would eat this up....

i actually went junking with kristie at lunchtime, and found two books, one is called "the adventures of being a wife" and is bright yellow.

i will practice making these, and see how it goes. it looks easy, but it might be hard :)

yes. we should get together and DO THIS. will look for p&p....


carey said...

i'd love The Lorax. But it's a thin book...would that work?

Karen said...

How about a cookbook???

THAT is cool. Let me know how it goes.