well, it's THE day, isn't it? the day to start afresh, to dig in and become all that you really really really want to be! i should be feeling good about that, but 48 years of experience has taught me that i kind of suck at resolving to do, and then doing.
still, we were created with the capacity to begin anew. the Spirit inside me calls me to make a plan for 2011, and so, here is my list...
i resolve to:
• live one day at a time, with the abundant provision that i have for THAT day, and that day alone;
• live humbly, and realize that i am a sinful human with many, many deficiencies, yet created for a purpose for which i am given all the tools i need to achieve that very purpose;
• find joy and happiness in the life i have been given, struggles and adversity as well as blessings;
• make my number one priority to build relationship with One person, who has been waiting patiently for a looooooooong time for me to make Him #1 in my life;
• share myself as openly and transparently as possible in this place, while forgoing some of the lesser, more 'false' relationships i have been wasting time with (reality tv and facebook immediately spring to mind);
• practice stewardship on many levels, more than just financial...ie time, talents, physical body, etc (my pastor is teaching a series on this right now, and it seems extremely relevant);
• stop striving for worldy gain. okay, this seems nearly impossible, but i am going to pretend i am a sparrow in a field :)
• be open to new things, new people, and new places, and see where the path God has me on continues to lead;
• practice a 'daily office' with God daily, not once or twice weekly....!
• be open to listening more;
• go forth humbly, with great sincerity, with expectation, and with hope for good.
:) happy new day, everyone! i hope today is a good day for your resolutions, whatever they may be!
Too funny Bob. When I read about getting a notebook, I thought- fun, I get to go out and get one that matches. Do you think some guy reading that same blog post would have thought that, or would have picked an old one he had on his shelf with other junk written in it? I had to giggle about what a nerd I am. Also, I am working on a bookmark ( that matches of course) for the bible. I am about 1/3 done and will hopefully finish soon. The color scheme is after a towel I found at work. It unbelievably matches the book cover colors :-) We need to figure out how to share this experience together. I bet something will come to one of us. Hope you had a great day. K~
That's an ambitious list, girlfriend. You inspire me. Stewardship is heavy on my heart lately.
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