last night in my worship group, we decided to watch a chris tomlin dvd with louie giglio talking about laminin. i posted about it awhile back. i really needed that message, even though i had forgotten!
see, i have had things kind of backwards lately. i have been looking really, really closely at myself. trying to figure out what i want, where i'm at in life, and why i am so frustrated with so much of my day-to-day existence.
this video is about changing perspectives. louie talks about the universe, and demonstrates its shear size, relative to our size (he uses a golf ball to represent earth in the sermon) and blows your MIND. in fact, one of the black holes in one of the hugest stars millions of light years away, happens to look like this:
then, he flips it and gives this great little talk about laminin, which is a molecule in our bodies which binds proteins together. basically, it holds us together. you remember the punch line, right? Laminin looks like this:
and there you have it. from the farthest away galaxies, to the woven-in structures of our bodies, our very being, is the cross. why, oh why, would i spend time focusing on the bigness of ME when i am so tiny compared to the bigness of Him.
today, in the 50 degree weather, with work to do and taxes (gulp) to be done, i will try to remember that it's all small stuff, compared to the One who holds it all together.
oh, and when i checked the weather this morning by googling "sioux falls weather"? i kid you not, i ran into this :))) ha. God likes to add the perfect punctuation to the end of every sentence, doesn't He?
happy day guys!
Yes! Thank you!
I'm digging into chapter 2 of Believing God, and grasping with my firmest, unwavering grasp that HE IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS.
I asked Him to share with me today, to show me His greatness, vastness, awesomeness. :-)
me too!! i believe He is doing that :))
have a great day dear - sunny day #2 on this side of the earth.
Wahoo! I saw Cherry blossoms yesterday, and we're set for sun today, too!
I wrote on the Jesus blog...
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