Wednesday, March 03, 2010

changing times

the headlines lately have been full of change. i am all for change, but not sure that much of it seems to be positive. maybe i'm just hopelessly old school :)

here's what's going on:

apparently, the US postal service is contemplating delivering mail only 5 days a week. the local paper interviewed people in nursing homes, who were very upset. hey, here's a thought. maybe we all should VISIT IN PERSON on saturdays! that would save money AND make the old peeps feel better!

in other news, even though we won't be getting any mail, the SD legislature thinks we should be able to drink at all times. looks like 'beer on Sunday' is going to pass here in SD.

this one was on the news last night. i don't think it's new, but i guess you can now find out what gender your baby is - in a box! well, i probably won't be long, and you'll just be buyin' the whole kid in the box. yikes.

he he. that's the news here. what's big where you are?


Karen said...

I am so sad about beer on Sundays.

I liked that about our state. Somehow, despite the fact that South Dakotans (especially under the age of 21, if I remember correctly, and come to think of it, many of the grown boys at the 20 year reunion were sporting beers and hefty guts) drink like your proverbial fish, somehow the fact that we could (or had to) restrain ourselves one day a week (or really, plan ahead) seemed dignified. It set us apart.

The other stuff: I'm past caring all that much about pre-born gender, although I was once insanely preoccupied with that very question, and my mail is so very rarely any good (and I leave it in the box for the WH, who counts picking it up as a highlight of his day) that I just.don'

The BIG change over here is that Bubba will be FOURTEEN on Friday. FOUR.TEEN. Yikes.

bobbione8y said...

sigh. yeah. i really DO need to find an old person in a nursing home to visit, though. that's what i know.

fourteen! i remember fourteen. i think it's a pretty good year for most, don't you? hope bubba has a good day. he might need a new/better nickname if he's gonna be fourteen :)

KMOSS said...

BG -

I've been thinking of you lately, as Larry has been spending hour upon hour at my desk :-)


bobbione8y said...

have you taken his photo yet ??


Anonymous said...

Thinking back- to my SDSU days, the legislature really didn't have a big say about drinking on Sundays.
I think it's just another act of enabling those who fail to plan ahead on Saturday-Lisa

bobbione8y said...

ha, good point, lisa...

KMOSS said...

No photo, but I was tempted to hug him. Of course, that was before 'ole pink' (my laptop) made a funny screechy/spinny noise when I opened her lid this morning. Larry's on his way back soon, maybe I can snap a quick pic for the benefit of your readers.

bobbione8y said...

oh please, do!