Friday, November 06, 2009

the dc dilemma

i'm getting some flack from my old friend diet coke lately. my BRAIN still loves it, but sometimes, it kinda makes my tummy feel crappy. okay. all the time. i am sad!

much like my beloved coffee, i fear the worst. i may have to say goodbye, but i don't want to rush into anything.

which leads to one of the most personal pics i have ever posted on my blog: the inside of my fridge.

yikes. i have alot of beverages, don't i? the beer is actually a "holiday" flavor from last winter, when i made some beer something or other soup. the 2 milk cartons are both expired. the burger king cup is empty. the vintage pitcher has cranberry juice in it (yum).

and the FIVE (only four pictured, one is on a lower shelf) opened cans of diet coke are evidence of my troubles. i cannot drink more than one or two gulps, then i "save" the rest of the can for later. only saved dc is yucky. so, i'm doin' alot of savin.'

:) there. my dirty laundry is next.


Unknown said...

time for a coke roast or a coke cake, eh?... that'll use up them leftovers...

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the snap top soda caps for your "half-full" cans at the grocery store? They work well! .. I can't finish a whole can either.

cherk said...

Wow I never thought of how personal the inisde of a fridge is, you are a brave woman, very brave

carey said...

buy the little midget cans, silly. they are cute. it's what i do witn the dew. my brain thinks it's getting a fix, but it's really only half a fix :)

DeAnn said...

My fridge looks like your only with the real coke and um, I never have the problem with the open cans. Mine always end up gone. MAybe that's why my stomach is made of steel!