Tuesday, November 10, 2009


here's my 'rap' sheet with certain (lawful or unlawful) substances.

• i don't smoke, except for one or two times that i tried and failed miserably.
• i have never inhaled.
• i have never really been into alcohol too much.
except for those little "greyhound" drinks in the late 80s/early 90s.
oh. and maybe one too many backpackers.
• other drugs scare me; i don't like to take pills of any kind.
i think that might be different if they were chocolate-coated.

now, however, all that righteousness might change...
because i have discovered a 'high' that keeps calling my name.

yep. it's the deadly "puffs plus vicks" combo. not that the puffs alone are all that compelling. but MAN. if you ever wanted to look silly, imagine stuffing one of these up each nostril and walking around. they are DIVINE. just the perfect combination of softness and medicine.

:) i seriously do not think you even need a cold to try these. just don't say i didn't warn you.


Karen said...

I hope you don't expect me to do a list.
I have no idea what a backpacker is.
You just might be the most hilarious person EVER.

Unknown said...

I have no idea what a backpacker is, either.

Also, I don't have a clue what a greyhound drink is.

As for chocolate covered pills, I hope I never see one because that could be very bad for me as I eat ANYTHING in chocolate.


bobbione8y said...

i love how you guys both focused on my rap sheet, and not the image of me with kleenix stuffed up my nose :)

backpackers were a weird lime green drink. i have no idea what was in them :) greyhounds are vodka and grapefruit juice. i still drink em without the vodka ;)

Unknown said...

The Google says a backpacker is:

1 part(s) Lime Vodka
1 part(s) Orange Juice
1 part(s) Mountain Dew

Sounds pretty good.

bobbione8y said...

ah. i knew there must be vodka involved...yes. those were the good ole SDSU days :)

Karen said...

You could afford vodka at SDSU? I remember really bad keg bear and Purple Passion. Ouch. Still makes my stomach hurt.

I would be willing to try a backpacker, but I prefer the greyhound without the hound. Or the grey. Or whatever the vodka is.

bobbione8y said...

karen, i was at sdsu for 11 years :)
some of that time, i was earning a salary!!

Karen said...

Oh, geez. I don't think I would have survived 11 years there. The good Lord got me out after two.