Friday, June 26, 2009

a life of fridays

sometimes, i think i measure everything in fridays. everything leads to friday during the work week. and everything subtracts during the weekend. it's like my ground zero, and i get a new one every week.

there is nothing better than waking up on friday morning, knowing that soon, a few tasks here and there, you'll be FREE for an entire weekend. this morning, i've been in the garden, sitting and looking and getting up and looking and pulling a few weeds. perfect way to start the day....hope you have a great one too :)

on another, completely unrelated note, look what happens when you turn on the faucet in the sink to do dishes, hear your favorite chris tomlin cd playing, stop to go worship, get caught up in worship and forget what you were doing, go back to work in your office, hear something funny an HOUR later, and discover that completely tepid water has been overflowing into the accompanying drain, but not onto the floor.

definitely NOT a friday thing.


carey said...

well happy friday! that sink thing could have been a DISASTER. looks pretty innocent, though, and bubbles are always cute.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. I think you and are queens of distraction. I let the washing machine do a load of nothing the other day because I started it and walked away to do something before I put anything in it.

Karen said...

Shwew. I guess God really enjoyed that bit of worship you gave Him, eh?

Glad your Friday was a happy one. I'll get around to telling about mine soon.

bobbione8y said...

please do!! i miss your "real" posts, karen :)