Tuesday, June 23, 2009

happy 3

well, actually it was last week. for 3 years (and a week), i've been blogging. pretty regularly, at least more regularly than i jog. or go to the movies. three years goes by pretty fast, although in some ways it seems like forever ago. in that time i've gained and lost a fiance, a cat, more pounds than i care to think about, and some clients in my business. i'd like to think i've grown in my relationship with Christ, the only gain that really matters. and of course, i've documented bugs and bunnies and fruit and veggies and flowers and found treasures. those are the constants, and i am grateful.

thanks for being here along the way! i still love blogging, i cannot see stopping unless for some reason life shifts dramatically away from my computer. i am glad you stopped by ;)


Karen said...

Really? Three? I'll have to go back and look at when I started. Wow.

I love those tomatoes! I still only have one little Roma, but tons and tons and tons of little yellow flowers. They make me so happy that I seriously get GIDDY when I look at them!

Happy Three!!

bobbione8y said...

thanks dear - ps. i think this is going to be a good year for tomatoes.

yes. i want to shout out to Rani, who got the whole ball rolling for me. and thank God for keeping her cancer free!

cherk said...

Bobbi-I hope you keep on blogging, I have so enjoyed getting to know you in this cyberspace friendship and look forward to your highs,lows, wisdom, creativity and countless other cool things about you!

carey said...

i am glad that you are such a good blogger, that i can look forward to something pretty or insightful or funny from you almost daily. you are an inspiration to me and a very big part of my life. happy 3 to the blogging, happy 14? 15? to us.

love ya.

bobbione8y said...

what? only 14? do you know something i don't?

i hope not :)