Wednesday, September 24, 2008


as i mentioned in my last post, i am kind of into tv with my crochet. the two are good companions for the serious multitasker. if you don't believe me, just ask kirsten. she can drive, watch tv AND crochet all at once!

so lately we are kind of getting into this new show, fringe, on fox. it's weird and kind of creepy but interesting. it reminds me of "the x files" only i like the main characters better. so far.

last night a guy threw some kind of weird gas on a bus, and it crystalized into a solid and encapsulated the bus inhabitants inside. and a woman had a baby instantaneously after she had sex with this guy, and the "baby" died of old age four hours later. and the heroes of the show figured BOTH of the scenarios out in the end.

c'mon. it's plausible! or maybe i was concentrating more on the crocheting right then :)


carey said...

seriously. i am so out of the tv loop. i'm not sure why we even own one.

i am a loooser.

Karen said...

Me, too. If I sit down at night, I fall asleep. Unless, of course, I'm sitting at the computer.

K~ said...

Bob, I only drive, crochet and chat at the same time. The TV isn't hooked up anymore :) ANYWAY. It reminds me of my soap opera! Really. seriously. Who writes this stuff. But I am hooked anyway. I am probably on year 30 of watching it. K~

Unknown said...

I love the x -files, may have to check this one out...

cherk said...

Okay, we have tivo so watch some favorite tv and Fringe is one of them, good choice Bobbie

Karen said...

Post already! I need a Bobbi fix.

Susan said...

so you have to get Shelly to tell you her cool story about "Fringe" and her two-degrees of separation...

Chris said...

I am so glad there is someone out there that loves TV as much as me! I did watch the first episode, but I was doing something in another room, so didn't really get into it. I will have to try again.