oh schwew. computer fixed. little problem, not big one.
so, onto the more important topic for blogging about. this weekend i got an unexpected blessing, but one that was perfectly timed.
i got to see a bff of mine.
this one is named sue. we met in about 1985. i was a newbie employee in the media center at sdsu, she was a student from white lake. we hit it off. we both liked the same guy, who eventually left both of us for greener pastures. but that was okay, because we got to keep each other. through rooming together, silly arguments, weddings, jobs, crazy relationships (that was me), multiple moves and kids, we have stayed connected.
then, a couple of years ago, we lost touch. i guess life just got out of order somehow. things changed, and she moved from one state to another, and i forgot to go along for the ride. i tried to contact her a couple of times, and i never heard back. i did receive a christmas letter, but with the lack of a personal touch, i decided to let go.
except that God had another idea. so this friday, as i stood at a rummage sale that i didn't even really want to be at, and heard a familiar voice yell my name, this bff walked back into my life again.
:) what a really great thing! we met the next morning for breakfast, shared all the things in our lives, and connected so easily again. no, things are not the same, in fact, some things are painful and too personal to blog about. but we connected, that is what is important, and i understood once again that the Lord will work things out in His timing, for His purpose. i am glad He's doing that now, so that we can pray for each other's needs, and remember that He put us together so very long ago, and will always keep us together in some fashion or another.
thanks Lord! i needed her.
I had a little of that myself this weekend, glad you were so blessed!
oh cool :)
yes, i forgot to mention that she lives in wyoming now, so a meeting here at a garage sale in soo foo was quite extraordinary.
I love HIS timing... like knocks on the door when He really wants you to listen, right?
Great story. That happened to me through my brother's My Space page with an old friend from way back in Elementary School. It is so great when that happens.
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