Friday, August 03, 2007

garden woes

i see that DeAnn is going to start a garden next year - good for you DeAnn!

that being said, i am planning to garden BETTER next year, i have made alot of rookie mistakes the past two years, and i need to get better at this.

my peppers, for instance, have been woefully disappointing. along with the tomoatoes. it seems i neglected them too much in june, when they were growing HUGE and let the plant grow big, but not the fruit. they needed more water, and more LOVE during that month. so now i'm left with only enough peppers for ONE little batch of salsa. thankfully, i will have that one batch :)

i also dealt with blossom end rot, too much stuff scrunched in too little space, and poor planning overall. i would not buy the fancy gourmet stuff so much next year, because my mom does better with the cheap plants she buys at the greenhouse. proven choices, why did i not listen? :)

he he. ah well, it seems gardening is like life. not always the way you want it to turn out, but still the biggest blessings of all are in the process, the learning to appreciate what you have, and the joy it brings, perfect or not.

happy gardening everyone :)


Karen said...

So much wisdom packed into one little post! I will take that with me today as I deal with movers and unpacking and the general chaos that seems to rule my life. Thanks!

Susan said...

Thanks for all of the info that I had no idea about before. Live and learn and share with your blogger friends who will then live and learn as well.

DeAnn said...

Great advice from one gardener to a future one. By the way, by hubby says my salsa rocks. He says I need to make more. I accepted his compliment but give you and Karen the kudos for the recipes...thanks!