this is the view from the front door this morning. more of the white stuff. actually, we haven't gotten THAT much snow, it's just that there has been a fresh covering every couple of days for awhile. today, it's supposed to blow around too. i wish i had a copy of "the long winter" to read! i loved laura ingall's wilder. i might have to see if i can find a used set of her books somewhere.
anyway, the crafting is in full force, still. i am actually PLEASED this year with the gifts i made! i have yet to deliver any of the home made stuff, that will happen next week. crafting is really pleasurable when everything works out :)
in other news, i forgot that i did not have any kidney beans, so i couldn't make chili yesterday. not sure i will be going out today, so it might have to wait until next week. i feel super duper indulgent to be so relaxed. it's almost sinful!
i hope you are having a great weekend (relaxing sinfully) also!
No snow here, Mel got in without incident. The house is really FULL now, what with Jim the Builder and his trusty side-kick Ray in da house.
Waiting for camera batteries to charge before posting bathroom and general insanity pics.
I have the whole set of Little House books, got them from the teacher I trained under. I was going to start reading them aloud to the kids, thanks for the reminder.
We are buried, when the plows come through it makes for a 5 foot drift at the end of the driveway. When dad comes home from work tomorrow or Monday he will have to park a block away :)
Ohhhh Little House on the Prairie, I know I still have my set from when I was a kid somewhere. Love the snow, wish we had a whiter christmas here
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