Monday, December 29, 2008

new start

why is starting over so dang fun?

i went grocery shopping this weekend, and was so happy to NOT BUY SUGAR. or chocolate chips. or anything related to baked goods!

i did buy these things, which have not seen the inside of my fridge in awhile:

red, orange and yellow pepper pack
salad mixings
frozen shrimp

um, yeah. fruit and veggies. and fish. i have to tell you, after 2 days of eating this kind of stuff, i can actually stay awake past 1pm. that sugar literally sucks the LIFE out of you. i'm sure it won't be long til i'm jonesing for a cookie, but for now, i am pretty stoked on the good stuff!

happy monday!


cherk said...

Oh, I totally agree-I am so craving a salad-very unusual for me:)

Hummingbears Den said...

Hi Bobbi

I so agree! I don't know what it is about nurses that people think we need loads of sugary treats at the nurses station for the entire holiday season, that I just can't/don't say no to - but I am happy to step back into healthier fare for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Dontcha just wish that peppers were as cheap as chocolate chips? It's just not fair that you have to pay more to eat healthy. Oh well... Good luck on turning over a new leafy green! :)

bobbione8y said...

i know ellen!

$6.83 for a six pack of peppers at sam's club :)

i plan to dice/freeze what i can't eat fresh, but STILL.

i will probably be back to choc chips before you know it!

Karen said...

Tomorrow's the big day for me. Just took in-laws to the airport. The Monkey says he's not going to start eating healthy, but since he's not so much of a sweets kind of kid, his biggest transgression has been bread, bread, bread and egg nog. He's laughing as I type, but just wait until I put a salad in front of him tomorrow. :-)