Monday, June 11, 2007


without any photo styling whatsoever, here is what lunch on the new "i will kill it or it will kill me" diet looks like.

i hate to admit it's kind of pretty!

sure, it may not taste like a whopper and fries, but then again, i do think it is actually more aesthetically pleasing. all i need is some orange bell peppers, and it would match karen's coffee tables perfectly.



Karen said...

Oh my gosh, it would! No wonder it looks so great to me. The first thing I noticed was the plate, then the purple. :-) Whoever thought of turquoise for my room is a genius. Got a swirly purple glass plate today, will photo it and show you how neat it looks on orange. I think I'll fill it w/ Bubba's rock collection. I also put orange Gerber daisies in the turquoise vase. Smashing. I LOVE THAT ROOM.

So. Your food. That so looks like, "I'm gonna feel like a million bucks" food. Tell me when you get there. Too bad you don't have a little Herbamare to sprinkle on it. :-)

Chris said...

THat actually looks really good! Better than what I had for lunch today.