Wednesday, June 20, 2007

For moms i know. and me.

i saw this "recipe" on another blog today. i don't entirely get it, but someone commented that they just put theirs in a ziploc bag. that i could do.

Homemade Wipes

Baby Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
2 tablespoons baby bath soap
1 tablespoon baby oil
2 cups water

After Bath Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
3 tablespoons baby oil
2 cups water

Multi-Purpose Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
1/4 cup multi-purpose cleaner
2 cups water

Car Cleaner Wipes
1 roll bounty paper towels
1/4 cup armour all cleaner
2 cups water

Making the wipes:

1. Cut the roll of towels in half with a sharp knife.
2. In a plastic container, mix the liquid ingredients very well.
3. Add 1/2 of the paper towels, place lid on container and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
4. Turn container over and let sit for another 10-15 minutes.
5. When all the ingredients have absorbed, pull the brown paper out of the middle and then you can pull the wipes through the center.


Karen said...

Why don't we try those out at my house? Everybody come over on Friday after the movers leave and help me clean.


Susan said...

Huh? Never thought about it like that. I can make my own wipes for all occasions!

carey said...

make wipes? you all know they sell them at target, right?

Unknown said...

I have tried this, sorry Carey... and it really works... and much cheaper than Target (the $100 store).

K~ said...

I am kind of with Carey, but you know who (rick) would be all over this!!! I am surprised we are not rewashing our papertowels and hanging them on some kind of hill billy line to dry!! K~