a fellow blogmate had a great post about the word "argh" yesterday. as anybody who knows my email habits can tell you, i use the word "argh" in many creative forms. often.
it got me thinking about my all-time, no questions asked, life long favorite word.
back in 8th grade, when i was the brookings middle school argus leader spelling champion, this was one of my study words! it's so fantastic, but i wonder who thought of it. the spelling is crazy, i used to be able to roll it off easily, but in my old age sometimes i need to stop and think for a sec.
still, it's a good word. probably because using an onomatopoeia is something all advertising people like to do. they are so direct, so easy to figure out, so YOWZA! fun... :)
ha. sometimes i fantasize about being a college professor...(i know, i'm a little weird). and if that fantasy ever comes true, i am going to assign my students the word onomatopoeia and ask them to illustrate it creatively.
come to think of it, i need to do that too!
SHEESH. as if i don't have enough to do already.
I love it! You know what? We are kindred spirits my friend. What fun we would have! Thanks for posting this, now you have me thinking many, many things :-)
yes, you kindred spirits. i may not know a lot of things, but i know how to pick my friends :)
favorite words:
jalapeno popper
give those a spin. are they tasty or what?
i know i know! what you may or may not know susan, is that for the last decade or so, i have slowly but surely been laying claim on all of carey's closest friends. well, and to her mom and her brother, too.
so, it was only a matter of time :)
oh, btw, carey, isn't it platypus?
i don't really like any word with pus in it, i don't think.
Favorite words:
Oh I forgot to add...
I will use it in a sentence.
I am glad I am part of the friendship acquisition between Carey and Bobbi.
My favorite word...
1. ferklempt
All worked up, on the verge of a breakdown.
"Oy Gevalt, I'm so ferklempt that I could plotz."
2. ferklempt
When something makes you well up inside, and you're on the verge of tears. From the "Coffee Talk" sketches on SNL a few years ago (thank you, Mike Meyers).
"I got a little ferklempt when I saw them kiss and make up"
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