Friday, December 22, 2006

word clouds

oh my. too much time on my hands again, so i went surfing...found a really really neat thing...called a word cloud. they are supposed to be for sale, but you can make one just to see what they look like.

very neat in the context of all this talk about favorite words lately. this computer program combs thru your website (blogsite), picks out random words and "designs" them into a visual.

i notice that many of the important things from my blog are there (God, beener, carey, tomatoes) but not phillip?! doh. for the most part i'm happy with it, although i find it funny that "beer" is part of my word cloud. and right next to love is "mean"...? oh well, busted!!

check it out:


Susan said...

OOOOHHHH! Big fun for a Friday night! I am going there right now. Thanks for posting.

Unknown said...

Cool, I put mine on my blog... thanks for sharing.