Saturday, December 30, 2006

siesta seconds that!

hmmm. only moments after posting about messy housekeeping, i walked down the stairs to discover this fiasco...leftover from a night of fun in the basement! i guess siesta likes to party with salsa while beener and i are peacefully sleeping upstairs.

as i was cleaning this up, she was laying there snottily thumping her tail, watching me carefully avoid the glass shards with my bare feet, and i could swear i could hear her saying "that's RIGHT, sistah, messes rule."



Chris said...

So cute!! Hee hee!!!

carey said...

if siesta was a dog, she would have eaten all the evidence and you would have never known...

Susan said...

Ha. Don't you wish you could videotape them to see them at the height of their messy bliss...