Sunday, December 31, 2006

here are the top ten new year's resolutions of americans, courtesy some blog i read ... plus my comments about each one :) happy resolutions to all, and happy brand new year!

1 Lose Weight - if there is a time limit on resolutions, i have expired this one a LONG long time ago. changing it to "weigh whatever for now, because Jesus has a new body waiting for me!!" (wouldn't it be funny if it's a perfectly chubby one?!)

2 Pay Off Debt - only if they pry the credit card out of my hand when i'm rummaging thru the target clearance aisles...

3 Save Money - how about "not relying on money to make you happy?"

4 Get a Better Job - not possible, of that i am fairly certain!

5 Get Fit - then i would have to dust the treadmill!! see yesterday's post.

6 Eat Right - sometimes, chocolate chips eaten out of the bag just feel "right."

7 Get a Better Education - does reading Martha Stewart's LIVING and learning how to make homemade marshmallows count?

8 Drink Less Alcohol - finally, an easy one! anyone want the one bottle of "big house white" in my fridge?!

9 Quit Smoking Now - or "encourage others (ie phillip) to think about quitting smoking while he still actually HAS LUNGS."

10 Reduce Stress Overall - might mean rethinking the decision to get a cat who decides to go into heat 2 weeks after purchase, one week BEFORE spay appointment - 24 hours into it, and i want to go throw her out in the street!

11 Reduce Stress at Work - perhaps by setting blogging time limit each day (NOT 6 hours). oh, and NOT sharing a home office with a cat in heat.

12 Take a Trip - away from above-mentioned cat at this point in time.

13 Volunteer to Help Others - anybody need anything? i'm there!! especially for YOU guys.


Unknown said...

These are good. I am going to try and be a better me and enjoy every moment of my life...I think we get all stressed out trying to change something about ourselves, maybe a bad habit, and we forget to try and be happy. My wish is for everyone to just enjoy a day in their life, it goes by so fast. Happy New Year, B!

carey said...

siesta is in heat. go figure. never lived with a cat in it anything like living with a husband when you're 30 weeks pregnant and have doctor's orders not to "shake things up?" if so, i am SO SORRY.

Karen said...

I think blogging is the de-stressor, the trip is already planned ('Bama in the fall, tomatoes in hand), and I'm quite sure I'll be able to fill your volunteer requirement while you're there.

My NYR is the same as last NOT make any resolutions.