okay, so you've already heard my gush over tom collechio from top chef. So I'll keep it down when i talk about ami james and miami ink. i like miami ink more than i care to admit. i never set time aside to watch it, but whenever i am channel flipping, i seem to end up watching good ole ami, and yoji, and chris and darren and nunez and kat von d...yep, i know em all by name. i am pretty sure miami ink is not a show that my pastor would recommend spending time on, but i "justify" it because of the art. i mean, cmon, these people are talented! forget that it's alot of skulls and motorcycles and other questionable subject matter that often gets "illustrated", but sometimes it's meaningful stuff like a poem or roses or a deceased persons picture. ami and the guys always listen thoughtfully as the customers talk about their pain. sometimes they even give a testimonial about their OWN personal pain when we need a break from seeing the needle and all that blood. actually, it's pretty DEEP for a tattoo show :)
which gets me to the point of this post, which is that i think i want to buy an ami james cell phone. it's black and it has a very pretty tattooish looking dragon on it.
would that be bad?
You are not alone and I'm glad to know I'm not alone (did that make sense?!) I also seem to land on Miami Ink when flipping through channels. I secretly think Nunez is very cute...so I think you should get that cell phone and let me know where you got it :)
he he he. you too!!!
you know, i am pretty sure that the cell phone would not match the rest of my life, but something about ami :))
i'll let you know if i find one!
you and bald guys. it all started with michael stipes, didn't it? i guess miami ink is better than little people ,big world...
my new fave is My Boys. it's on late, though...
well, back in the day when i loved michael stipe, he had long curly hair (and so did peter frampton).
do you think i had a weird attraction to kojak when i was growing up, and just didn't know it?
I have no idea what you people are talking about, but I do find it amusing that this post comes immediately after "the nativity." :-)
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