Friday, June 15, 2012


hello fellow campers!

no wait. i'm not camping anymore today, am i?

photo stolen from wonderfully talented anne :)

but this week WAS a good week for a church camp. i have no idea the 'final count' but i think there were 50 or 60 little campers at our Camp Mercy outreach at a local elementary school this year. it's our first year to go 'off campus' for a home brewed version of VBS, and it was really cool.

we saw more kids from the community than when we had VBS in our building...which rocked. i hugged a couple of them :)

i guess the 'big' idea for me that came out of the week was the simplicity of kindness and willingness to 'enter in' with your neighbor. we had people from a lot of different cultures, income brackets and life experiences all in one place. and guess what? we got along! perhaps it had something to do with the fun events that we engaged in, but more likely it had to do with Jesus in da house. and as our fearless leader Jenni pointed out, it's simply our job to see where He is at work and to join in. you really don't need a camp to do that, do ya?

so, i come away with the fruits of serving the Lord. it's always twofold. you HOPE you blessed a child or a weary parent, but you KNOW you were blessed yourself.

be a blessing to those around you, be a blessing to those around you, be a blessing to those around you. ha! there's my recap :)

happy weekend guys!

my long lost friend Nancy, whom i have more in common with now than ever.

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