Wednesday, June 20, 2012

rinse, lather, repeat

yummy purple

yep. all of these.

canna-licious colors!

smoke bush

double-whammy - lime green with purple stems!


i admit i am a creature of habit. as much as i'd like to think i 'embrace' change, i really still freak out at the smallest venture from 'the plan' - or whatever i have happened to deem 'the plan' in my head. 

letting go of 'the plan' is the hardest thing.

i've decided that i need to start thinking outside the box. one of the things that i always ALWAYS go back to in my need for control are color palettes. these must be hard-wired in my head, because no matter what, i always seem to pick and re-pick the same ones over and over.

they are different, depending on what i'm doing. for the house, it's teal and green and orange.

for logos, it's teal and green and orange (okay, not a good illustration).

for plants, it's orange and lime green and dark burgundy and/or purple.

no matter what i do, the options seem to boil down to these. and you know what? i do try to change it up. i even bought a red geranium this spring (it had an orange glow to it, though).

sometimes, you just have to admit that your plan is obviously a good one, and it's better NOT to change :)

ha ha. happy solstice day!


cherk said...

Purple and orange regards to flowers. Don't even ask to look at my closet, you are not the only creature of habit.

cherk said...

OHHHHH look at that, first try out of the gate. Ha ha blogger!

carey said...

at least your flowers are all still alive. :) they look great! I have/had tons of purple this year. i think it was on sale.

K~ said...

I am trying new things too this year. Just trying to spice things up. I am trying herbs this year and enjoying them a lot!