Thursday, September 02, 2010

let's talk about murder

i know. not exactly a normal blog post over here in mayberry. except that murder has been on my mind for the last few weeks, and i am so excited to not think about it anymore ;)

here's the scoop: remember in early august, when i went to the North Shore and visited a mansion? i went there because kristie and i have seen advertisements for the grandeur of the congdon estate in a LOT of the tourism pubs around duluth. a LOT. they make it look like a simply pretty old house.

except that google says it differently. we figured that out, when we got back home, curiosity piqued, and decided to learn a little more and find a book about the mansion.

what we FOUND was this: in 1977, the youngest daughter of the congdon family (by then an old woman) and her nurse were murdered in the middle of the night by the lady's adopted daughter's husband. and that the adopted daughter is a nutso who somehow avoided conviction, but since has been in and out of prison for many things, including arson, and is also suspected to have killed a couple of other people.

and she is still alive! yikes. i cannot believe we went thru an entire tour and heard nothing about this!! it puts a whole creepy spin on things. and i will be kind of happy to finish the dang book and not think about it anymore.


Karen said...

Ok, wait. The husband killed or the adopted daughter killed?

Dang. Someone is not doing their job with marketing. I would totally go see a murder mansion.

Should I read this book?

bobbione8y said...

well, she helped. but he actually did the dirty work. the book is crazy long and very technical. i loved it in the beginning, but now, nearly at the end i just want to get Marjorie out of my head.

i would read the 'starting from scratch' book if i were you. much less taxing.

Karen said...

Ok. I just sent BlueLily an email about photographing my peeps while she is in DC in October.

bobbione8y said...

? what is that?

Karen said...

The chic that takes all of NeiNei's photos. Go look.

bobbione8y said...

well, that was a little change of topic ;)

cherk said...

What is creepier is I just watched on of those true criminal stories and it was about EXACTLY this family

Karen said...

Sorry, I guess I got excited. :-)

KristieLou said...

i am a little stuck in the middle of this book...too bad i have a way better book on my iphone. i NEED to finish this book also...

p.s. i don't like thinking about murder

Chris said...

Cool! I can't believe they don't have that as part of the tour. Would make going to the place even more intreging(why can't I spell?).